Fifteen years ago, the mime Marcel Marceau died. Today, Anne Sicco and her daugthers Aurélia and Camille explore in a sumptuous poem of images the luminous trace of this immense artist. The result was the theater piece "Fractales. Temps Zéro."

"Quand je danse j'ai l'impression d'être vraiment moi-même." Louis Chevalier est né en 2002. Après s'être formé au conservatoire de Toulouse et avoir reçu l'enseignement de la formation COLINE à Istres pendant deux ans, il est désormais danseur interprète.

"Marcel Marceau lived with us for a while. We thought no one knew that we were Jewish. But everyone knew. Because we never went to mass on Sunday." Daniel & Georges Loinger. (*1910, d. 2018) Georges was Marcel Marceau’s cousin and a member of the French resistance. He smuggled over 300 Jewish children – his son Daniel being one of them – into Switzerland during the war. For this he received the German Federal Cross of Merit in 2016.

"People have five senses. I have one less. I can't hear. But I live twice as intensely." Christoph Staerkle has been deaf since birth. He trained as a mime in Paris and today tours Europe with various stage plays. He is the filmmaker’s father and has influenced Maurizius view of pantomime since he was a child.

Rob Mermin was a student of Marceau and in 1987 he founded the Circus Smirkus in Greensboro Vermont, USA. Following his Parkinson’s diagnosis, he set up the «Pantomime Parkinson’s Project», which researches training methods for specific motor skills, inspired by the techniques used in mime, to help alleviate the symptoms of the disease.